Nothing Stops Me: Sales Success from Adversity

Nothing Stops Me is dedicated to all of those in sales who took a road less traveled. This group, who joined the world of sales, did so to make a difference. They have this need to help others while finding their place in the world. They are an unusual group, because they pull everyone along with them. They do things others will not. They invest in themselves with great sales books and self-improvement programs. They praise great work when they see it. They mentor. They will rip the shirt right off their back, if it means someone else gets a fair shake. They break new ground because nobody is looking there. They lift those behind them. They honour those whose shoulders they stand upon. They see sales as a noble craft. This book is dedicated to those in sales who took the road less traveled. These sales professionals embrace positive risk to turn adversity into rocket fuel. Their mindset is? "Nothing Stops Me."

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Unlocking Yes

Sales negotiation is eternally and constructively tied to consultative selling. So, we must always be very mindful of the power and strength of long-term, trusted, businesses relationships. Armor-piercing questions in their various forms must not be seen as anything other than a positive risk tool used to clarify our bargaining position and that of our negotiation partner.

Perpetual Hunger

Sales Prospecting is sustenance for any business, where growth is required and account turnover is nothing more than a fact of life. Sales Prospecting is the precursor to consultative selling and sales negotiation. These three sales disciplines are permanently bolted together and reliant on each other. No company owns a piece of business in our 24/7, global world of unrelenting competition.

The Bonus Round: Corporate Sales Lessons & Strategy

The corporate sales world is a fascinating place. It is big, bold, challenging, mind-bending and one of the most fun environments to sell in of all. The reason the corporate sales world is different is because it attracts the brightest minds from all age groups. Think of corporate sellers as elite athletes because all of the same practice, focus, persistence, resilience and professional conduct: mirror major sports. Only the best in corporate sales get to raise the trophies and huge bonus payouts.

Month: August 2023

Unlock Your Brand’s Unique Potential: Stand Out From the Crowd

By nimda / August 20, 2023 / Comments Off on Unlock Your Brand’s Unique Potential: Stand Out From the Crowd

Patrick and Cris discuss brands unique potential and how to differentiate from competitors!

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Bring Your Customer into the Loop: Inside Secrets

By nimda / August 16, 2023 / Comments Off on Bring Your Customer into the Loop: Inside Secrets

In this episode, Cris welcomes Patrick Tinney, the founder and managing partner of Centroid Training and Marketing. With over 30 years of experience in sales and management, Patrick has concluded multi-million dollar media sales and negotiation solutions for many of Canada’s largest advertisers. As an author of three sales books, Unlocking Yes, Perpetual Hunger, and…

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